
作者:李晓东 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:伊南尼是古埃及第十八王朝初期一位重臣,位于底比斯阿布得-艾尔-库尔纳的陵墓内石碑及墙壁上存有其自传铭文和与之相匹配的绘画,对于研究第十八王朝历史有较高史料价值。该铭文此前无英译全本,亦无中译本。本文为依据塞特圣书体整理本对该陵墓铭文所做的中文加注释译本。

关键词:古代埃及 自传铭文 伊南尼 译注

Title:A Chinese Translation and Commentary of the Autobiography of Ineni

Author:Li Xiaodong, Professor, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.

Abstract:Ineni was a high official of 18th Dynasty and there are his autobiographical inscriptions found on the two stelae in his tomb located in Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. The translation of the autobiographical inscriptions of Ineni is important for analysis of the history and royal civil administration of 18th Dynasty. There haven’t been Chinese translations and study of the inscriptions in China before. This translation is translated from the Urkunden der 18. Dynastie of Kurt Sethe.

Key words:Ancient Egypt Autobiography Ineni Translation and Commentary

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