
作者:王 志 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:《叶隐》所宣扬的武士道与近世山鹿素行等儒学家提倡的“士道”相比,强调为主君不怕死、不要命为其特性。近代以后,随着日本法西斯军国主义侵略战争的加深,出于战时武士道宣传的需要,《叶隐》这部因宣扬“死的觉悟”而曾在江户时代长期被封禁的奇书,成为战时日本国民教育最重要的教科书,其所宣扬的武士道也成为战时法西斯军人的精神支柱。

关键词:《叶隐》 山本常朝 武士道 侵略战争

Title: A Brief Discussion of the Spirit of Bushido inHagakure

Author:Wang Zhi, Associate Professor, College of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin,130024, China.

Abstract: In comparison with the ethics promoted by Yamaga Sokou, the Bushido spirit contained inHagakureemphasizes on the morality of dying for the monarchs. During the Modern times, to meet the propaganda needs of the Japanese Fascist invasion,Hagakurethat had long been banned during the Edo period became the most important textbook in the Japanese wartime education.

Key words:Hagakure Bushido Yamamoto Tsunetomo Japanese invation

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