
作者:李 卓 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:日本是具有深刻的贵族传统的国家。以藤原氏为代表的律令贵族的成长瓦解了皇权与文官官僚联合治理的中央集权制度,也最终让位于幕府军事贵族。贵族开创了“家”制度,对日本历史影响深远。贵族的贡献在于他们通过学问与教养形成一种文化底蕴,始终保持着令武家羡慕的文化优势,在文化传承上的意义要大于其执掌政权的意义。

关键词:日本 贵族 藤原氏 “家”制度 教养

Title: A Preliminary Study of Ancient Japanese Nobility

Author:Li Zhuo, Professor, College of Japan Studies, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300071, China.

Abstract: Japan is a country with a tradition of nobility. The development of Fujiwara family weakened the royal power and the bureaucratic authority. Later, the Shogunate military nobles replaced the older fashioned nobilities represented by the Fujiwara family. It was the nobility that started the unique familial system of Japan which profoundly impacted the history of Japan. The cultural contribution of the nobility in Japanese history should be considered greater than that of their political influence.

Key words:Japan nobility Fujiwara family familial system cultivation

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