
作者:<strong> </strong>陈德正 郭小凌 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:史学家阎宗临早年留学瑞士,攻读世界史,回国后在多所高校从事世界古代史的教学与研究,著有《世界古代中世纪史》、《罗马史》、《欧洲文化史论》、《希腊罗马史稿》、《欧洲史要义》等。阎宗临的世界古代史研究主要集中于西亚、中亚古史和古希腊罗马史,其对西亚中亚古史所作的专题研究,涉及以往很少有人注意到的国家,具有填补空白的学术意义;他撰著的古希腊史和罗马史论著至今读来仍有特色和新意。阎宗临毕生致力于世界古代史的教学和研究,对中国世界古代史学科的发展做出了重要贡献。

关键词:阎宗临 世界古代史 希腊罗马史

Title: Professor Yan Zonglin's Contribution of Teaching and Research on Ancient World History

Author: Chen De-zheng, Professor, School of History and Culture, Liaocheng University, Liaocheng, Shandong, 252059; Guo Xiao-ling, Professor of the School of History, Beijing Normal University; Director of the Capital Museum, Beijing, 100875, China

Abstract:Yan Zonglin studied world history in Switzerland in his early years. After returning to China, he was engaged in studying and teaching the history of the ancient world in many colleges and universities. His academic writing covered historical issues of the middle ages, Roman history, Europe cultural history, Greek history, and Asian history. Yan Zonglin's studies of ancient western Asia and central Asia involved some geographical areas that few people had ever noticed in the past. Even by the present times, when people read Professor Yan Zonglin’s works on ancient Greek and Roman history, they can still fell their features and novelty. Dedicated all his life to the research and teaching of ancient world history, Professor Yan Zonglin’s contribution to the scholarship of world history study in China is significant.

Key words: Yan Zonglin the History of the Ancient World Greek and Roman History

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