毕达哥拉斯:从人到神的演变——“古史层累”现象的西方个案研究 冯金朋

作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:





“古史层累说”理论 毕达哥拉斯 毕达哥拉斯学派 阿波罗神

Title:The Pythagoras from Human to Deity: A Western

Case of the Accumulation of Ancient Historical Facts

Author:Feng Jinpeng, Ph.D. Student, College of History, Nankai

University, Tianjin, 300071, China

Abstract:Gu Jie-gang’s

theory of that the ancient histories were created by

continual accumulation of later historical writers has

universal applicability, not only applicable in the study of

ancient Chinese history but also applicable in the study of

other ancient histories. This article analyzes the changing

process of Pythagoras’s figure from human being to a deity

and the causes leading to this phenomenon. Such a case

proves the universality of Gu Jiegang’s theory.

Key words:Gu Jiegang

accumulation theory of ancient history Pythagoras

Pythagoreans Apollo

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