
作者:<strong style="font-weight: 400"> <span lang="en-us">张文安</span></strong></font><span style="font-wei 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要古代两河流域先民认为人类的生命是由神创造并为神服务的,人类没有永生,死亡是命中注定的;生命的意义在于追求名誉和为神服务;人死后亡灵都要进入地下世界,地下世界是黑暗凄凉、阴森恐怖而不值得向往的。这种生命信仰和死亡信仰反映在祭司神学集团编造出的一系列神话、史诗等宗教文学中,二者互为补充,共同发挥着宣扬宗教教义的文化功能。

关键词:两河流域 宗教 神话 生命信仰 死亡信仰

Title: Religious Beliefs of Life and Death in Ancient Mesopotamia

Author:Zhang wen-an, Associate Professor, College of history and Civilizations, Shanxi Normal University, Xi’an, Shanxi, 710062, China

Abstract: The people of Ancient Mesopotamia believe that the it was gods who created the life of human being; there was no such a thing as immortal; the meaning of life is to pursue reputation and to serve the gods; after death, all souls would go to the hell which was miserable, horrific, and gloomy. These beliefs were reflected in the myths, epics, and other religious literatures compiled by the priests and together displaced the religious doctrine and culture of that world.

Key words: Mesopotamia religion myth belief of life belief of Death

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