
作者:王德忠</font> 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:中国历史上的“华夷”格局主要由于受到汉族和诸少数民族力量对比的影响而呈现出动态变化的过程。以“安史之乱”唐朝走向衰弱和周边多民族兴起为标志,传统的“华夷”格局受到破坏,儒家“华夷”观念和正统观念受到巨大冲击,这折射出中国多民族国家历史的曲折进程和儒家民族关系学说的嬗变轨迹。

关键词:唐朝中叶 “华夷”格局 “华夷”观念

Title:The New Changes with the “Hua-yi”(华夷) Relationship since the Middle Tang Period and Their Impacts

Author:Wang Dezhong, Professor, Faculty of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China

Abstract:In Chinese history, the relationship between the Han people and the other ethnic groups of peoples kept to change as a result of power balance. In such a process, “An-shi Rebellion” of the Tang Dynasty was a major turning point. Because of this event, the traditional Hua-yi power balance was broken and the traditional Confucian idea about the Hua-yi relationship faced challenge. This reflects the flexural development process of the Chinese multi-ethnic country and the evolution of the Confucian doctrine of ethnic relations.

Key words: The mid-Tang period Hua-yi relationship Idea about the Hua-yi relationship

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