作者:胡克诚 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:监兑官制的出现根源于明代漕运制度变迁过程中“兑运法”的施行,并于成化年间“改兑”后趋于定制。“监兑”即监督军民之间的漕粮交兑过程,一般由户部每年选差五名本部主事或员外郎充任,分派山东、河南、浙江、江西、湖广和南直隶六大有漕省区。总体看来,有明一代的监兑制一直在户部外差与归并地方粮道之间摇摆不定。其屡遭裁、并的根本原因,除收受贿赂、滥用职权等腐败现象外,当归因于晚明户部监兑官在监兑漕粮本职之外,增加了兼催地方钱粮逋赋的职能,以致同地方税粮征解体系间形成了一种难以调和的博弈关系。明清鼎革之后,清廷吸取明代经验教训,使监兑官完全规制于地方,而不再具有户部外差属性。
Title: A Preliminary Study of the Supervisory Official System for Grain Canal Transportation during the Ming Dynasty
Author:Hu Kecheng, Lecturer, The Great Canal Research College of Liaocheng University, Liaocheng, Shandong, 252059, China.
Abstract: The Ming Canal Transportation supervisory officials were appointed along with the implementation ofduiyun(兑运) and became a regular practice after thegaidui(改兑) reform happened in Chenghua period. Normally, five supervisory officials would be appointed yearly by the Ministry of Revenue to Shandong, Henan, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Huguang and Southern Zhili provinces to supervise the handover process of the tax grain between the army and the peasants. This system experienced frequent changes including position cut off due to corruption and abuse of power, and the contradictions of these officials with the local tax collection officials. Drawing lessons from the Ming experiences, the Qing government replaced the complete supervisory power to the local governments and ended this system.
Key words: Ming Dynasty; Canal Transportation; Supervisory Official; Ministry of Revenue