作者:李小白 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:江户幕府实行锁国政策,允许荷兰商人定居出岛,以提供海外情报为条件,获准在日本从事贸易。荷兰人提供的情报,时称“风说”,将发生在世界各国的重大事件报告幕府,使江户日本大致维持着对世界局势的了解。在有关欧洲争霸战争、鸦片战争、培里来航叩关,以及《万国公法》传入等一系列情报的基础上,明治维新之前的日本随时调整国策,采取了向“弱肉强食”的国际关系格局恭顺、适应的姿态。这种认识背景成为明治日本“脱亚入欧”的思想基础。
Title: The Intelligence Analysis and World View of Tokugawa Japan
Author:Li Xiaobai, Professor, Center for the Study of East Asian Civilization and Institute for the Study of Medieval History, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.
Abstract: Even under the Sakoku policy, the Tokugawa government of Japan still allowed the Dutch merchants to live inDejima and conduct trade in a condition of providing overseas intelligent information. The Dutch indeed collected related information to report to the shogunate, which made Japanese government kept certain knowledge about the world situation. Based upon the intelligent information about European political contention for hegemony, Opium War, the arriving of the Black Ships of America, and publications dealing with international law, the Japanese government had already adjusted its policy to meet the changing international situation before Meiji Restoration and settled a condition to join in Western powers.
Key words:Intelligence; Opium War; Black ships; international law; world view