管窥《王室法兰克年代记》的官方属性 ——与古代中国官方史学相比较为视角

作者:朱君杙 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:《王室法兰克年代记》是一部带有官方属性的史书,这在私家史作占主导地位的古代西方颇为罕见,它的出现乃查理曼扶植宫廷文化的结果。在政治立场上,这部史作完全倒向了加洛林王(皇)室,文本内容多为正面宣传查理曼等封建帝王,鲜有总结历史得失之语。《王室法兰克年代记》的编纂机制存在着一定官僚组织化的倾向,不过,支撑其编纂的官方组织体系却颇为脆弱,不仅时间短暂,而且史官、史馆、史制的建制皆不完备。


Title: A Comparative Study of the Official History Character ofAnnales regni Francorum

Author:Zhu Junyi, Lecturer & Post-Doctoral Fellow, Research Center for History of World Civilizations, Northeast

Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.

Abstract: Annales regni Francorumis a history book with official character, which is rarely seen in the private history dominated ancient West. The emergence of it was because that Charlemagne fostered palace culture. The history book is heavily biased towards Carolingians in political views. Its texts publicize positively Charlemagne and other feudal monarchs, and there are few words dealing with profound historical appraise. The official organization system supporting the codification ofAnnales regni Francorumwas rather fragile and did not last long.

Key words:Annales regni Francorum; Carolingian; Official Historiography

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