
作者:李大维 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:罗马帝国情报系统始建自奥古斯都时代,后经发展,成为各类情报讯息、文书政令流转的渠道和中央联系地方的纽带。情报系统以维护国家安全和贯彻中央集权为根本目标,通过开发情报资源、拓展情报任务,疏导各类情报讯息的流向,将纷繁复杂的情报活动纳入到国家行政体系、控御体系和边防体系实际运作中,凸显出中央集权的表征和趋向,顺应了制度与权力的变迁。


Title: The Development of Intelligence System During the Roman Empire

Author:Li Dawei, Lecturer, School of History, Baicheng Normal College, Baicheng, Jilin, 137000, China.

Abstract: The intelligence system of Roman Empire evolved during the reign of Augustus and continously developed in the later days. The intelligence system linked the central and local government, which provided a medium for the exchange of information as well as official dispatch. It is in this trend that the aim of intelligence activities ascended to maintain a country, explore the intelligence resources as well as develop the tasks. The intelligence system was inseparably intertwined with the political and defensive system, which demonstrated the tendency of centralization and the change of power.

Key words:Roman Empire; Centralization; Intelligence System; Development

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