
作者:何 珵 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:伊索克拉底受到书面表达方式所面对的受众范围以及当时的政治局势影响,在《泛希腊集会演说辞》中,采用“模糊话语”的修辞策略,呈现了关于“领导权问题”两种不同的政治主张:“城邦联合领导权”与“雅典领导权”。伊索克拉底在创作《泛希腊集会演说辞》时,口头与书面两种创作方式并存,这篇演说针对雅典城邦发表,或面向全希腊传播,前者适合采取口头的表达方式,而后者更适合采取书面信息传递。若《泛希腊集会演说辞》面向全希腊传播,伊索克拉底需采取“模糊话语”的策略,满足不同城邦受众的政治利益。他的政治观点受到了公元前390—380年间希腊政治局势变化的影响而发生转变,伊索克拉底在演说辞中所采用的话语策略,是斯巴达在古希腊当时的历史实际中所拥有的权威与作者自身对于雅典霸权的呼吁调和的结果。


Title: The Reasons for the Conflicting Narratives Concerning Isocrates’ Demonstration of Leadership inPanegyricus

Author:He Cheng, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of History, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China.

Abstract: With the audience of written texts and with contemporary political reality in mind, Isocrates adopted the rhetorical limitation of the of amphiboloi logoi inPanegyricusto propose two different political suggestions: the joint leadership by Athens and Sparta or the sole leadership of Athens. Due to the fact that the two ways of composition co-existed at that time, this speech was simultaneously composed to publish in Athens by virtue of oral performance, as well as for diffusion in the entire Greek world in the form of a written text. If it is the latter case, then Isocrates was in need of the strategy of amphiboloi logoi to meet the political interests of different audiences. With his own political views changing together with the larger political backdrop in the 390s, the strategy employed in this speech can be regarded as a reconciliation between the real authority of Sparta at that historical moment and his own appeal for Athenian supremacy.

Key words:Isocrates;Panegyricus; Leadership

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