提 要:内藤湖南“宋代近世说”从八个方面论述了唐宋之间的种种变化,指出“唐代是中世的结束,而宋代则是近世的开始。”但对该说的实证基础进行追问表明,其所依托的史实基础并不坚实。其关于“贵族政治”和“君主独裁”的界定是建立在对六朝隋唐时期贵族政治角色的夸大和对宋以后臣宰职能过于贬低的基础之上。本文进一步指出,其关于唐代科举考试内容存在误判,忽略了唐代科举制为寒庶之士打开仕进之门的作用,不适当地强调了王安石变法后科举考试改革的作用;其关于唐宋朋党性质变化的判断,缺乏充分的史实根据,并存在对唐代牛李党争的牵强理解甚至误判,对宋以后朋党性质的解释也缺乏逻辑上的一贯性。
Title: The Civil Service Examination and Faction Struggle: A Factual Critique of Naito Konan’s Hypothesis of “Modern China Beginning from the Song Period”
Author:Huang Yan, Ph. D. Candidate, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China & Lecturer, School of History and Culture, Changchun Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130031, China.
Abstract: Following a previous critique to Naito Konan hypothesis by the same author, this article further argues that Naito misjudged the Tang Civil Service Examination System by ignoring the effect of this system for the commoner background scholars to enter the bureaucrat. Moreover, Naito overstressed the function of Wang Anshi (王安石) reform in the area of Civil Service Examination. Naito’s judgment about the different nature of the Tang and Song faction struggles are groundless and his explanation about the post Song faction struggles is not logical.
Key words:Naito Konan; Hypothesis; Civil Service Examination; Faction struggle