作者:王明兵 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:“儒•释”论争在日本五山禅林的展开,与中世大批禅僧入华留学活动和宋学东传日本密不可分。就其内在理路和发生脉络而言,该过程大致经历了理论上的“排儒斥朱”→“儒释调和”→“儒释道三教一致”→“排佛归儒”和行动上的“脱佛还俗”。出身相国寺的藤原惺窝和出身建仁寺的林罗山“脱佛还俗”、形成“京师朱子学”一派,不仅是五山禅林内部分化与蜕变的转折点,还是日本“朱子学”兴起的重要标志。由于该过程还反映了中世佛教文化向近世以儒学为宗的政治意识形态和学术思想的转变趋向,所以它同时也是儒学“日本化”的一个过程。
Title: The Debate on Confucianism and Buddhism among the Gozan Buddhist Monks of Japan and Their Internal Differentiation
Author:Wang Mingbing,Associate Professor, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.
Abstract:The debate about Confucianism and Buddhism among the Gozan Buddhist monks of Japan in the Middle Ages had a very close connection with the fact that a large number of Buddhist monks studied in China and Zhu Xi's theory was spread to Japan. In terms of internal logic and occurring sequences, the process went through the following stages. In the first stage, Confucianism including Zhu Xi's theory was rejected. In the second stage, Confucianism and Buddhism were reconciled. In the third stage, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism were unified. In the fourth stage, Confucianism was repelled again while Buddhism was accepted. In terms of practices, it went through a process of giving up Buddhism for secular life. Fujiwaraseika bred up in Sokoku Temple andHayasirazanbred up in Kennin Temple established the school of Kyousisyusigakuha after giving up Buddhism. This was not only the turning point of the internal differentiation among Gozan Buddhist monks, but also a significant sign of the rising of The Zhu Xi School in Japan. Since this process also reflected the transition of the political consciousness and academic thought from Buddhist culture to Confucianism in the early days of Japan, it was also a process of Confucianism's being reconciled with the Japanese culture.
Key words:CGozan Buddhist monks; giving up Buddhism for secular life; Fujiwaraseika; Hayasirazan ; Zhu Xi School