提 要:本文在对澳门历史的主要特征及口述资料的重要性做出简要分析的基础上提出,要纂修具有“中国眼光”、“澳门视角”和“世界认识”的澳门方志,必须处理好口述资料的入志工作。进而,文章就口述历史资料与方志纂修的关系,口述历史资料对澳门方志纂修的特殊意义,口述历史资料如何与澳门方志纂修相结合等问题提出了建议。
关键词:口述历史 澳门 方志
Title:On the Application of Oral Historical Resources in the Writing of Macao Local Gazetteer
Author: Wang Xi, Visiting Associate Professor, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao, China.
Abstract:Based upon a brief discussion of the significance of Macao history and the importance of oral historical resources, this article argues that to produce a sound Macao local gazetteer with a Chinese point of view, a Macao perspective, and a worldwide knowledge, appropriate usage of oral historical resources is especially important. Further suggestions dealing with practical methods in this regards are also made in this article.
Key words:oral history Macao local gazetteers