
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:荷马史诗《奥德赛》叙述的是特洛伊战争后英雄奥德修斯历险回归和诛杀求婚人的故事。史诗最后以奥德修斯与伊达卡人缔结和平结局。史诗的和平结局不仅与“怜悯”主题相吻合,而且与求婚人的罪行相一致。史诗从第一卷到最后一卷中有关埃吉斯托斯之死的多次插话,预示求婚人的被杀下场,同时也为史诗的和平结局作了合理的铺垫。

关键词:荷马 奥德赛 和平结局

Title:On the Peaceful Ending OfOdyssey

Author:Jiang Bao, Associate Professor, College of History, Culture and Tourism, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou, 221116, China.

Abstract:Odysseytells the stories about the returning of Odysseus and his killing the suitors after the Trojan War. At last the epic ends with Odysseus’ peace with the men of Ithaca, which is not only fit for the pity theme of the epic, but also consistent with the crimes of the suitors. To interpolate the death of Aegisthus time after time from the first book to the last book implies the result of the suitors, at the same time prepares well for the peace ending of the epic.

Key words:Homer Odyssey peace ending

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