
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:乌尔第三王朝为了方便献祭,建立了一个负责接收和支出各地贡入牲畜的贡牲中心。诸多宗教活动中有一项重要祭祀“酒宴祭祀牲”,本文根据有关“酒宴贡牲”的原始文献,对这类贡牲的种类、来源、用途以及管理做了详尽研究;酒宴贡牲主要来自苏美尔各城的总督主祭月用牲,但圣城尼普尔的总督和边疆大员们没有主祭月,酒宴是他们的主要献祭活动之一,尼普尔总督和王室成员的酒宴贡牲有一个固定的标准。王室以轮值权的名义给予各城在尼普尔的的主祭权(包括酒宴祭祀),表明这是一个城邦联盟制国家。

关键词:乌尔第三王朝 贡牲分配中心 酒宴用牲 王后贡牲机构 总督主祭月

Title:Animals for “Pouring-beer Banquet” Archives from Animal Administration Center of Ur III Dynasty

Author: Wang Guangsheng, Doctoral Candidate, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China; Wu Yuhong, Professor, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.

Abstract:Ur III dynasty built an animal administration Center for sacrifice. The establishment of Animal Center was to control more and more animals gathered there from various regions conveniently. In accordance with original documents, this paper emphasized on the research of animals for “pouring-beer banquet” (kaš-dé-a). The “pouring-beer banquet” is an important religious activity. The research of animals for “pouring-beer banquet” includes their kinds, source, use and management. Animals for “pouring-beer banquet” mainly came from “rotation” (bala) of governors of Sumerian provinces. The holy city of

Nippur’s governor and the senior officials of the peripheries haven’t “rotation” and they devoted animals for “pouring-beer banquet” as their main sacrifice activities. The number of animals, for “pouring-beer banquet”, from Nippur’s governor and royal family members is fixed. In the name of “rotation”, the royal gave the priest the right of the holy city of Nippur to some provinces. This shows that Ur III dynasty is a league of cities.

Key words:Ur III dynasty Animal Administration Center animals for “pouring-beer banquet” (kaš-dé-a) queen Animal Office “rotation” (bala) of governor

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