提 要:7世纪初西班牙塞维利亚大主教伊西多礼的《辞源•论史》是中古早期对史学撰述体裁最为理论化的论述,但也长期被学者们认为逻辑混乱。本文结合当时的史学实践,进行仔细的文本解读,发现他的论述不仅不乱,而且还是对史学撰述实践与时俱进的反映。如果将他的论述作为导引,可以更为深刻地认识到由于基督教编年史的兴起所带来的史学变化,从而更好地理解从古代史学向中古史学的过渡。
关键词:伊西多礼 基督教编年史 历史体裁 《辞源》
Title: Isidore’s ‘de historia’ inEtymologiaeand the Rise of Christian Chronicle
Author:Li Longguo, Associate Professor, Department of History, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China.
Abstract:In chapters on ‘Historia’ and ‘De Vocabulo Chronicae’, Isidore of Seville, the author ofEtymologiae libri XX, offered a new definition on history as a historical genre, which is to some extent distinct from what the classical authors such as Cicero & Gellius believed. The new definition is not a confused explanation as some scholars take it for granted, but reflects timely and even directly the new trend among historians to docomputusof the historical chronology as well as recording the events, instead of writing rhetorically as the classical precedents prefer to do. The further investigation sheds new light on the great transformation from the mode of the classical historical writings to the Christian chronicles/annals
that prevailed in the early medieval Europe, being as a result of the rising of the latter from the turn of the 3rd and 4th centuries on.
Key words:Isidore of Seville Christian chronicle Genre of history Etymologiae