提 要:即位诏书是帝制时代政策阶段性继替、关连的重要文献。本文在笔者此前考察明洪武至正统时期6位皇帝即位诏书文本的基础上,继续以文本细读方式对景泰到嘉靖6位皇帝的即位诏进行分析。文章认为景泰、天顺即位诏突出即位合法性申明;成化、弘治、正德即位合法性无可置疑,诏书突出体现的是民生贫困和社会矛盾激化问题;嘉靖以藩王入继大统,对合法性有特别交代,并显示出鲜明的“去正德化”和限制皇权的士大夫改革意向。
关键词:明代 即位诏 政治文化
Title: The Edicts of Throne Succeeding of the Mid Ming Dynasty: From the Jingtai to Jiajing Periods
Author:Zhao Yifeng, Professor, Faculty for the Study of Asian Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, 130024, China.
Abstract:As a continuation of the author’s previous articles on the edicts of throne succeeding of the Ming dynasty, this article further examines textually the six edicts of throne succeeding by emperor Jingtai, Tianshun, Chenghua, Hongzhi, Zhengde, and Jiajing. The edicts by Emperor Jingtai and Emperor Tianshun were both focused on the issue of legitimacy. The Edicts by Emperor Chenghua, Hongzhi and Zhengde were all focused on adjustment and control of social contradictions. The Edicts by Emperor, on the other hand, reflected a strong scholar-official appeal of political reform.
Key words:Ming Dynasty Edict of throne succeeding politics