
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:万历六年,神宗大婚,慈圣李太后命张居正为东汉班昭《女诫》一书做直白注解,以供新册封的王皇后阅读。张居正以内阁首辅身份作此注解,以及为某一皇后阅读而作专书,皆称引人注目。李太后命张居正撰写此书,与张居正多年承担辅导万历皇帝的职责有直接关联,亦显示出女训书籍在后宫女子教育,尤其是皇后教育中的重要意义。此举在神宗大婚,太后从乾清宫搬回慈宁宫后发生,体现了李太后高度倚重张居正辅佐万历皇帝的姿态,具有明显的政治信托象征意义。


Title: Zhang Juzheng and Admonitory Books for Women in the PalaceNvjie Zhijie

Author:Li Yuan, Associate Professor, Faculty for the Study of Asian Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Jilin, Changchun, 130024, China.

Abstract:After Emperor Wanli married in the 1578, the Empress Dowager Li ordered Zhang Juzheng(张居正)to make explanatory notes onNvjie(《女诫》) , which was written by Ban Zhao in the Former Han Dynasty, to be read for the Empress Wang. It’s meaningful that Zhang Juzheng who was the leader of the Grand Secretary wrote this book for Empress Wang specially. The Empress Dowager Li ordering Zhang Juzheng to write this book was related with his responsibility for teaching Emperor Wanli for years directly. It also showed that the admonitory books were very important for the women in the Palace, especially for the Empress. Furthermore, it was occurred after the Emperor Wanli’s wedding and the Empress Dowager Li moving from Qianqing Palace (乾清宫) to Cining Palace (慈宁宫). It reflected that the Empress Dowager Li wants to rely on Zhang Juzheng to assist Emperor Wanli. Therefore, it is obviously of political trust symbolic significance.

Key words:Nvjie Zhijie; Zhang Juzheng; admonitory books for women in the palace

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