提 要:随着罗马在地中海世界霸权的确立,其公民权的优势地位逐渐凸显。对意大利人眼中罗马公民权的分析,表明罗马公民权是一项复合权利,能为意大利人带来经济、政治、人身保护等多方面的权利,因此,意大利人千方百计地利用各种手段获取该权利。然而,因为罗马人的执意拒绝,致使意大利人欲以和平方式获取该权利的道路困难重重,乃至逐渐被堵塞。罗马人之所以坚持拒绝意大利人的要求,除了维护既得利益之外,更重要的是,固有的城邦观念和体制阻碍着公民权向外大规模的扩散。最终,在罗马人的坚守和意大利人的觊觎之间,战争成为解决问题的唯一手段,同盟战争由此爆发。
Title: A Study of The Origin of the Social War under A Roman Citizenship Perspective
Author:Liu Xiaoqing, Ph. D. Candidate, School of History, Capital Normal University, Beijing, 100089, China.
Abstract:With the establishment of Roman hegemony in the Mediterranean world, The Italians were hunger for its citizenship, which was then a privilege because of its economic, political and physical rights and interests. However, Rome rejected their request predicatively and almost blocked all the ways for the Italians to obtain the citizenship by peace. The reasons for it were that on the one hand the Romans expected to maintain the benefits of the citizenship; on the other hand the ideological and institutional barriers of the city-state constitutions hindered its spread to all the Italians. Hence, the Social War became the only way to solve the dilemma between the Italians and the Romans.
Key words:Inscription; Officer; Ahmose