提 要:《国事诏书》系哥特战争结束后拜占庭皇帝查士丁尼为重建意大利而颁布的“法律意见”,是学界研究查帝统一理念、拜占庭法律思想的重要原始文献。关于《国事诏书》的整理解读,国外成果汗牛充栋,1895年《新律》标准本附录所收文本便为学界公认的权威。本文即在拉丁标准本基础上,参照英译本,对《国事诏书》进行迻译与注释,以期为国内研究者提供一份较为忠实的中文译本。
Title: A Chinese Translation and Commentary of the Justinian’s Pragmatica Sanctio
Author:Zhang Shuli, Ph. D. Candidate, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Jilin, Changchun, 130024, China.
Abstract:Pragmatica Sanctio is a “legal suggestion” issued by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian to reconstruct Italy after the Ostrogothic War. It is an important original source for the academia to study the unity idea of Justinian and the legal ideology of Byzantine Empire. Foreign scholars have achieved considerable studies on this document, especially the authoritative standard edition of the text included in the Novellae reprinted in 1895. Based upon both Greek and English versions of this document, this text is produced to provide a credible Chinese translation and commentary of the said material.
Key words:Justinian; Pragmatica Sanctio; Reconstruction of Italy; Epitome Iuliani