
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:《春秋》三传之中,以《谷梁传》发展最为沉寂,虽然代有传授,却终未成为“显学”以行世,晋元帝称其“肤浅”,梁启超谓之“微微不足道”,历代评价甚低。然揆诸史实,清代中叶以后,“谷梁学”迎来了继西汉、隋唐之后发展的最高峰,在文献类型、种类、数量等方面,清代“谷梁学”呈现出井喷态势,而廖平“谷梁学”作为一种新的经学研究范式,它以遵循鲁学师法、家法为原则,以阐发“微言大义”为旨归,以“尊孔尊经”为基调,以“素王”说作为理论内核,系统总结出了14类书例,是一个内涵清晰,理论完备的经学体系,成功解决了“谷梁学”理论化和系统化的问题,使其成为能与“公羊学”、“左传学”比肩的专经之学。无论是从数量和质量,还是从体系完备程度和所涵盖的范围来看,廖平“谷梁学”所取得的成绩在清代谷梁学者之中,无人能出其右,成为谷梁学史上最为耀眼的明珠。


Title: A Preliminary Study of Liao Ping’s Scholarship onGu Liang

Author:Zheng Wei, Ph.D. Candidate, Institute of Ancient Books, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610064, China.

Abstract:Scholarly studies ofGuliang Zhuan(谷梁传) reached its peak in mid-Qing period. Among many scholars, Liao Ping(廖平) is the one who represents the most systematical studies ofGuliang Zhuan. Following the principles of Lu school, Liao Ping emphasized text implications and Confucian tones and summed up fourteen characteristics of the ways of writing. Thanks to Liao Ping’s contribution, the scholarship ofGuliang Zhuanreached its mature stage.

Key words:Liao Ping;Study of Guliang Zhuan; text implication; way of writing

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