
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:萨克森人是中世纪早期欧洲一个重要的松散部落集团,保存着很多原始自然崇拜和宗教信仰,部落之间联系并不紧密。长达30多年的查理曼征服战争给萨克森地区带来极其重要的影响,其中尤以基督教的传播为重。在这一过程中,萨克森人渐渐同法兰克人等民族相互融合,对欧洲民族的演进和发展产生重要影响。

关键词:萨克森人 法兰克 基督教 查理曼

Title: On Charlemagne’s Conquest of the Saxons

Author:Sun Yingang, Doctoral Candidate, Department of History, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200041, China.

Abstract:In early medieval Europe, the Saxons was an important yet incompact tribal group preserving primitive religious beliefs. The Saxon Wars, which lasted for more than 30 years, made great impact on the society of the Saxons, which especially helped the spread of Christianity. During the wars and the progress of Christianization, the Saxons gradually mixed into the Franks and other peoples, which significantly affected the later evolvement of European nations.

Key words: the Saxons Frank Christianity Charlemagne

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