提 要:自19世纪末以来,李维史学的研究经历了两个阶段。第一阶段从19世纪末至20世纪60-70年代,对李维史学的研究主要是对他所用史料的比对、考证,以及写作体裁的考察。这些基础性的研究成为后来李维史学研究的基石,但同时,李维作为历史学家的地位受到质疑和挑战,其著作的历史价值被质疑。第二阶段从20世纪70—80年代至今。研究的特点是回避对李维史料的研究,着重探讨李维写作的政治、社会象征意义,特别是与奥古斯都时代意识形态之间的关系。学者们在李维的写作具有现实暗示意义方面达成共识,但是,李维是否完全服务于奥古斯都政权则有不同观点。
关键词:李维 《建城以来史》 研究述评
Title: A Description and Commentary on the Studies of Livy’s Historiography
Author:Cai Lijuan, Associate Professor, School of Ethnology and Sociology, South-Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan, 430074, China.
Abstract:Since 19th century the studies of Livy's historiography has gone through two phases. The first phase lasted from the late 19 century to 1960s and 1970s. The studies focused on the contrast and research of the textual and the writing characteristic. These basic researches aim at providing foundations for the following studies of Livy’s historiography. Nevertheless, Livy's position as a historian was challenged and questioned, the historical value of his works were questioned. The second phase began from 1970s and 1980s. The characteristic of this phase is not the attention of textual criticism but the emphasis on the symbolic significance of his writing on the politics and society, especially on the interconnection between different ideologies in the age of Augustus. Scholars have reached a consensus about the reality and implied meaning of Livy's writing. But the disagreements remain on whether Livy served the Augustus government.
Key words:Livy History of Rome commentary