
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:罗马帝国第二位皇帝提比略之养子日耳曼尼库斯的神秘死亡,及对所谓凶手前叙利亚行省总督老皮索的审判,构成了塔西佗《编年史》二、三卷的叙事中心。在西班牙塞维利亚出土的《审判老皮索的元老院法令》为重新审视这桩历史悬案提供了新的线索。该法令记载了元老院对被控大逆罪、在审判结束前就引颈自戮的格涅乌斯•卡尔普尔尼乌斯•皮索的判决。除了有助于厘清史实,该法令还为还原罗马元首制初期的政治、社会、思想和文化等方面提供了坚实的依据。

关键词:审判老皮索 法令 铭文 译注

Title: A Translation and Commentary of theSenatus Consultum De Cn. Pisone Patre

Author:Xiong Ying, Lecturer, Department of History, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210093, China.

Abstract:The mysterious death of Germanicus, the adopted son and designated heir of the second Roman second emperor Tiberius, and the following trial of the suspected murderer, the former governor of Syria, Cn. Calpurnius Piso, which constituted the narrative focus of the 2nd and 3rd volumes of Tacitus’Annales, has been given a new light bySenatus Consultum De Cn. Pisone Patrefound in Servile, Spain. The senatorial decree provides the verdicts given by the Roman Senate against Piso, who was charged with treason, however took suicide before the end of the trial. Beside clarifying the historical facts, it can be served as a reliable foundation to reconstruct the politics, society, ideology and culture etc. in the

early Principate.

Key words:Cn. Calpurnius Piso the senatorial decree inscription translation and commentary

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