作者:刘文溪 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:《埃塞尔伯特法典》是肯特国王埃塞尔伯特(约587-618年)在位期间颁布的法律,是为我们所知的英格兰在盎格鲁—撒克逊时代最早的一部完整的法典。为我们认识“前封建”国家,也就是从部落联盟向地域性的封建国家过渡时期的早期国家,提供了相当有价值的信息。
关键词:《埃塞尔伯特法典》 肯特 损害与赔偿
Title: A Chinese Translation of theLaw of Ethelbertwith a Commentary
Author:Liu Wenxi, Professor, University of Miami (Middle Town Campus), OH 45042,USA.
Abstract:King Ethelbert of Kent was the third overlord of Anglo-Saxon England. The Code by his name was the earliest comprehensive legal text of the time period known to us today. Later Anglo-Saxon laws would follow its framework and style, and the common law of medieval England actually traces itsorigins to it. Although little information of the procedural justice was revealed, the substance of the laws offers us numerous clues for understanding the Anglo-Saxon social structure and political operations during the so-called pre-feudal times.
Key words:Law of Ethelbert Kent damage