作者:赵现海 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:首都图书馆藏彩绘《九边图》,绘于崇祯后期,民国年间由汪申伯收藏。全图采用形象绘法,是现存《九边图》中形象绘法最为突出的地图,是一幅军事示意图,而非作战地图,反映出以直观、实用为目的的中国古代地图绘制的人文传统,直到明末仍发挥着主要作用。首图《九边图》机构、方位错讹较多。不过,由于这幅地图很可能是明代最后一幅长城地图,反映了明末九边长城防御体系的全貌,因此具有一定的学术与文物价值。
关键词:《九边图》 形象绘法 职方司
Title: A Study on the Colour Maps of the Great Wall of Ming Dynasty Stored in the Capital Library
Author:ZhaoXianhai, Assistant Research Fellow, Chinese Academy of Social Science, Beijing, 100732, China.
Abstract:Jiubian Map WangShenbo donated was drawn in the later Chongzhen period of Ming and preserved in the Chinese capital museum. The maps were drawn by copying the kinds, and deeply affected by humanistic tradition in the Ming Dynasty. Although there are many mistakes in the map, it was the last map about the Great Wall of Ming and recalled the whole appearance of the 9 frontier fortification system of the late Ming Dynasty, the map is of great value in learning and for historical relic.
Key words:Jiubian Map copying the kinds ZhiFangsi(the authorities that manage and draw maps)