作者:王红娟 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:《左传》记载的“国风”排序体系是今本《毛诗》“国风”体系产生的基础和直接来源,周平王是该体系的创建者,并于其中寄托了强烈的政治目的。在国风体系中,“二南”至“王风”,象征周由兴而盛再至重建的历程,表达东周继统的合法性及平王“绍祖”以“明志”的政治追求;自“郑”至“唐”,是依照平王以洛邑为中心审视四域方国的排序结果排列的,旨在强调东周仍为天下共主的地位;“陈”以下三“风”,是平王择小邦“风诗”代表以为补缀的结果,具有扩充周廷“国风”系统并彰显周廷对小邦诸侯有效掌控力的含义。
关键词:诗经 国风 体系 周平王
Title:On the Causes and Implications of the Basic System ofPoetry of the States
Author: Wang Hongjuan, Doctoral Candidate, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, 130024, China.
Abstract: The sequencing system ofPoetry of the States(“国风”) recorded inZuo Zhuan(《左传》) is the basis and direct source of the system of ourMao Poetry(《毛诗》). King Ping pioneered the system in which he reposed strong political purpose. The formation reasons and implications of the system are as follows: “Zhou NanandShao Nan”(“二南”) to “Wang Feng”(“王风”) symbolizes the process of Zhou Dynasty from rise to prosperity to reconstruction, indicating the legally constituted authority of Eastern Zhou Dynasty and the political pursuit of “inheriting the ancestors”(“绍祖”) and “revealing his aspirations”(“明志”) of King Ping; from “Zheng Feng”(“郑风”) to “Tang Feng”(“唐风”) was the result that King Ping examined the four domains of the country from Luoyang, seeking to highlight Eastern Zhou Dynasty’s supreme power and position in the whole world; The others after “Chen Feng”(“陈风”) was selected by King Ping from the small states for expansion , and they have extended the system of “Poetry of the States”(“国风”) of Zhou Dynasty and showed the effective control of the Zhou Dynasty over its princes of minor status or importance.
Key words: The book of Poetry Poetry of the States System King Ping