斯巴达奥巴铭文译注 刘 军

作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:


刘 军

提 要作为古代斯巴达社会组织形式之一的奥巴见于古风时代斯巴达之重要文献“大瑞特剌”。但相关希腊文传世文献颇为晚出,于其具体情形语焉不详。然而于拉格尼亚地区之铭文材料中颇可见奥巴一词,抑或其方言表达形式。此种铭文包括嘉许令、球戏铭文及圣法三类,共计19则。上述铭文固然亦多属希腊化时代晚期及其后的时代,但可据以厘清晚出传世文献所记奥巴情况之时代属性,若与传世文献相参证,对于认识希腊化时代晚期及罗马统治时期奥巴在斯巴达之历史实情亦颇有助益。

关键词:斯巴达 奥巴 嘉许令 球戏铭文 圣法

Title:AChinese Translation with

Commentaries of Nineteen Spartan Inscriptions Related toOba

Author:Liu Jun,

Doctoral Candidate, Institute for the History of Ancient

Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin,

130024, China

Abstract:Obawas a kind of social organization in ancient Sparta. This

term appeared in “Great Rhetra”, the most important archaic

Spartan document, while the Greek Literature aboutobaappeared in rather later periods provides merely limited

information about this organization. Nevertheless, this term

and itsvariantcan be found in nineteen inscriptions discovered in Lakonia,

including honorific decrees,sphaireis-inscriptions,

andlex sacra. Although mose of these inscriptions

belong to later the Hellenistic age and Roman times, they

could contribute to dating the records aboutobain

the Greek Literature and to finding the realities about

Spartanobain the related periods.

Key words:SpartaObahonorific decreesphaireis-inscriptionlex sacra

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