
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:


刘 军


关键词:北魏 宗室 经济生活

Title:AStudy of the Royal Clan’s Economic Life of the Northern Wei


Author:Liu Jun,

Lecturer, Institute for the Study of Ancient Chinese

Documents, Jilin University, Changchun Jilin, 130012, China


Northern Wei dynasty treated the royal clan with favorable

policies. The royal clan was accordingly turned to be luxury

soon after the capital of this dynasty was relocated to

Luoyang city. The income of the royal clan members was

connected to their titles, which led to their active seeking

of official titles and turned them into bureaucrats. In

terms of economic interest, there were no fundamental

conflicts among the royal clan members although the

distribution of benefits was in different standard. The

luxury life style and privilege of this class indicates

their dominating position in the whole society.

Key words:Northern

Wei Dynasty royal clan economic life

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