
作者:阮明套 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:《酒诰》为《尚书》中的一篇,是周公针对殷人尚酒、总结殷亡经验而发布的诰辞,从中可见周公对于酒的态度和政策,亦可以看出他对于治国方略的思考和对于殷礼的基本认识。根据《酒诰》和相关文献及出土材料可知:周人饮酒礼制完备,制定饮酒礼是《酒诰》的主旨;周公在制定饮酒礼的过程中,继承了殷代礼制并有所损益;周初禁酒并非普遍政策,而是针对某些特定现象的举措。

关键词:《酒诰》 饮酒礼 殷鉴思想

Title: The Wine Drinking Etiquette in the Zhou Dynasty and the Related Ritual Changes from the Shang to the Zhou Dynasty: Based upon the Jiu-gao Section ofShangshu

Author: Ruan Mingtao, Ph.D. Candidate, School of History, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, China.

Abstract:Jiu-gao is one section ofShang Shuwhich, in the form of edict, summarized the wine-related lessons of the Shang Dynasty and expressed the attitude and policy of the early Zhou rulers concerning wine-dirking. The Zhou Dynasty worked out an intricate etiquette system regarding to wine-drinking, while wine-drinking was not banned. Duke Zhou adopted elements of the Shang rites in making the rites of the Zhou dynasty.

Key words: Jiu Gao the Etiquette of wine drinking the thought of taking Yin dynasty as a mirror

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