
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:对于明末“民变”,过去我们将其作为阶级斗争激化的表现。日本和西方学者的研究,关注相关事件构成的复杂性,但仍将其定义为“民众起义”或者“民众叛乱”。近年,中国台湾学者借用西方社会史学者的观点,提出“集体行动”说,不再强调其对于政府的“叛乱”,而且明确指出其并不以推翻政府为目的。本文在此前研究基础上提出,社会转型期不同利益诉求与国家异化是造成明末“民变”的根本原因。

关键词:“民变” 群体事件 社会转型 利益集团 国家权力异化

Title: A Historical Interpretation of the Late Ming State Power Dissimilation

Author:Shang Chuan, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for the Study of History, Chinese Academy of Social Science, Beijing, 100732, China.

Abstract: The previous Chinese studies aboutmin-bian(民变)of the late Ming commonly emphasize its nature of class struggles. The Japanese and Western scholars, on the other hand, identify this phenomenon as grassroots upraise or revolt. Recently, some Chinese scholars in Taiwan started to call it as collective activities and point out that this type of activities were not aimed at overthrowing the government. This paper further argues that the ultimate causes of this type of events were the interest conflicts among different social groups and the state power dissimilation during the transitional period of China.

Key words: min-bian collective events social transformation state power dissimilation

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