
作者:沈 坚 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:在欧洲民族史研究中可以发现,不同历史时期民族族属的区分与判定是一个十分复杂的问题。除族源因素以外,族群由于地理位置关系,或处异族和异质文化的包围中,或同异族比邻而居,长期接受相邻族群的影响,也会发生一定程度的变异,乃至形成一些过渡类型的混融性族体。族属判定上由此产生不同的意见,应予宽容看待。

关键词:民族 相邻地带 族属判定

Title: The Definition of Ethnicity about neighboring Peoples in History

Author:Shen Jian, Professor, History Department, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200241, China.

Abstract:It can be found in European ethnic history studies that the distinction and definition of ethnic belonging is a complex issue. Besides the factor of ethnic origin, geographical position is also an important reason. Ethnic group were always adjoined with or surrounded by alien peoples and different cultures, so that they were effected by the neighbor for a long time, and a certain variation might be to take place, even some transitional and mixed type ethnic-groups shaped. The controversy about the ethnic belongings for above case should be treated tolerantly .

Key words: Ethnicity neighboring Peoples in History The Definition of Ethnicity

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