
作者:朱仙林 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:罗泌的家世历来少有学者研究,稍有涉足者,也因材料不全或考证不周,存在诸多问题。文本在前人研究基础上对其家世进行全面系统的探讨。罗泌幼承家学,以《路史》著称于世。今日所见《路史》由后人汇编而成,该书集中罗泌一生重要史学著作。在《路史》撰修过程中,罗泌付出了巨大的努力,而《< 路史>注》的完成,主要得益于其子罗苹的协助。《路史》虽然备受争议,但该书及其注文所保存的丰富材料,历来被文献学家、上古史及上古神话研究者珍视。

关键词:南宋 罗泌 家世 《路史》

Title: A Study of Luo Mi's Pedigree and His BookLushi

Author:Zhu Xianlin, Ph.D. Candidate, Scholl of Literature, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China.

Abstract:The Pedigree of Luo Mi (罗泌) has attracted little research attention and many questions remain unanswered. This paper conducts a rather comprehensive investigation to Luo Mi’s family background. It is found that Luo Mi received very sound academic education from his family which contributed significantly to his later writing ofLushi(《路史》, Grand History). The version of Lushi that exists today was actually assembled by the later scholars based upon Luo Mi’s works. Luo Mi made great efforts to write Lushi, while his son Luo Ping(罗苹) was a key assistant to him in completion of the annotation to Lushi. Taken all the disputes about Lushi in consideration, it is clear that this book and its annotation preserved rich materials for later scholars’ studies in Chinese literature, history, and mythology.

Key words: Southern Song Luo Mi Pedigree Lushi

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