
作者:<p align="center"> <font size="3"><strong> </strong>詹子庆 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:日知先生从世界古典文明史的广阔视野中,用中西古典文明比较研究方法,对中国早期文明史的一些重大问题提出再思考,力图重构中国早期文明史的理论框架,给予中国早期文明史研究很大震动和启示。

关键词:城邦 民主政治 人文精神

Title: Professor Lin Zhichun (Ri-zhi)’s Contribution to the Study of the Early Chinese Civilization

Author: Zhan Ziqing, Professor, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China

Abstract:With a broad perspective of world civilizations, Professor Lin Zhichun conducted comparative study of Chinese and Western civilization studies in his research and contributed profound rethinking about the early Chinese civilization aiming at a reconstruction of the theory for the study of early Chinese civilization. His academic work greatly enlightened and contributed to the Chinese scholarship in the given area.

Key words: polis democracy humanity

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