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提 要:《温阿蒙历险记》出土于埃及埃尔•凯本赫地区,以新埃及语文体写于两张纸草之上。文献写成于古埃及二十王朝末期,主要讲述了底比斯高级祭司温阿蒙被派往毕布罗斯购买制造太阳船的雪松木材的历险经历。温阿蒙一路历经艰难,先是货款在德尔城被偷,购买木材时又被毕布罗斯王公拒绝,最后还被腓尼基城市通缉,被迫逃亡塞浦路斯。尽管如此,他每次都凭着机智过人和能言善辩化险为夷。本故事发生于古埃及国力由盛转衰的关键时期,这就让本文成为了研究新王国末期和第三中间期早期古埃及内政、外交、海外贸易的重要材料。《温阿蒙历险记》根据伽丁纳尔的象形文字临摹本译出,同时依照文献内容并结合相关历史史实,作了适当的注释和分析。

关键词:古代埃及 《温阿蒙历险记》 海上贸易 新王国末期 腓尼基 塞浦路斯

Title: The Adventure of Wen-amon: Translation and Commentary

Author:Xu Hao, Ph.D. Candidate, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China; Wu Yuhong, Professor, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China

Abstract:The adventure of Wen-amon, written in the end of 20th Dynasty, was found at El Khiben in Egypt. It was written in Late Egyptian on two papyruses. It describes an adventure of Wen-amon who was the high-rank priest in temple of Thebes. He was sent to Byblos in order to buy some cedar wood for manufacturing the solar bark. Unfortunately, it was very difficult for his trip, not only his property was stolen by thief in the city of Dor, but also the Byblos prince refused to offer cedar wood because of the debt. And then, he was wanted by city of Phoenicia and fled to Cyprus. However, Wen-amon can always find the way out of difficult every time by his wisdom and eloquence. This text was an extremely significant resource to study the domestic political affairs, foreign affairs and maritime trade at that time because it was written in such a period when the nation’s power of Egypt became weaker.

Key words: Ancient Egypt Adventure of Wen-amon Maritime Trade Late New Kingdom

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