
作者:赵 红 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:汉画像石中共有“嫦娥奔月”图4幅,皆出土于河南南阳的汉画像石墓中。4图在构图内容与造型艺术上呈现出各自的风格和特征,但通过对其在墓葬中的安放位置及与周边其他画像石组合关系的考察,则4图又具有相同的现实功用与宗教意蕴,即通过对嫦娥获得不死之药而飞升入月的造型进行艺术化的表现,表达汉人热切企盼生命再生与生命永续的宗教情感。

关键词:汉画像石 嫦娥奔月图 造型艺术 宗教意蕴

Title: The Formative Art and Religious Meaning of the Drawing Patterns of Chang-e(嫦娥) Rushing into the Moon on the Stone Relief of the Han Dynasty

Author:Zhao Hong, Post Doctoral Fellow, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 100875, China

Abstract: There are four image patterns of Chang-e rushing into the Moon story on the discovered stone relief of the Han Dynasty, which are all discovered in the graves in Nanyang (南阳) of Henan Province. These four patterns, given their different artistic style and characteristics, played the same function and contained the same religious meaning. They all expressed the expectation of longevity and reincarnation of the people during the Han period.

Key words: the stone relief of the Han Dynasty Chang-e rushing into the Moon formative art religious meaning

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