
作者:<strong> </strong>金寿福 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:





埃及 殖民 埃及学

Title:Egypt and Egyptology in the Course of Expansion and

Competition of the European Powers


Shoufu, Professor, Department of History, Fudan University,

Shanghai, 200433, China

Abstract:Egyptology was in a way a product of the

military expedition to Egypt launched by Napoleon and the

expansion policy of several European powers. Its

establishment and development witnessed the colonization of

Egypt. European countries led by England and France carried

out fierce competition in collecting and excavating ancient

Egyptian relics and Egyptology as a discipline studying

ancient Egyptian civilization had to deal with the dominance

of European culture. On the other hand, confronted with the

ancient Egyptian history and culture wholly reconstructed by

the Europeans, it was not easy for modern Egyptians to

identity themselves in terms of cultural origin.

Key words:Napoleon’s

expedition Egypt colonization Egyptology

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