铭文辑译:罗马帝国的弗鲁曼塔里伊 李大维 提 要:弗鲁曼塔里伊是罗马帝国图拉真时期出现的统属于中央的信息情报与监察人员,负责传递公文、刺探情报与监督行省。因史籍对弗鲁曼塔里伊的记载较少,拉丁铭文便成为研究弗鲁曼塔里伊的重要资料。本文选取《拉丁铭文集》和《铭文年鉴》中辑译的35条有关弗鲁曼塔里伊建制及其职能的铭文,借鉴相关文献,进行必要的注释。

作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:



提 要:弗鲁曼塔里伊是罗马帝国图拉真时期出现的统属于中央的信息情报与监察人员,负责传递公文、刺探情报与监督行省。因史籍对弗鲁曼塔里伊的记载较少,拉丁铭文便成为研究弗鲁曼塔里伊的重要资料。本文选取《拉丁铭文集》和《铭文年鉴》中辑译的35条有关弗鲁曼塔里伊建制及其职能的铭文,借鉴相关文献,进行必要的注释。

关键词:罗马帝国 弗鲁曼塔里伊铭文 辑录 译注

Title:A Collection and

Translation of the Inscriptions on the Frumentarii in the

Roman Empire


Dawei, Ph.D. candidate,Institute

for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal

University, Chang Chun, Jilin, 130024, China


were the information and the supervision persons since

Trajan’s time. They transformed messages, collected

information and supervised the provinces. As ordinary

ancient documents tell us little about these people, the

existing Latin inscriptions become the main sources to study

these people. This article selects 35 inscriptions related

to the organization and duties of frumentarii fromCorpus

Inscriptionum LatinarumandL'Année Epigraphique,

and provides a Chinese translation of them with necessary


Key wards:The Roman Empire the Inscriptions of

Frumentarii Collection Translation

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