作者:刘芮方 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:庶长为先秦时期秦国所独有的官爵称呼。与左庶长、右庶长这些明确为爵称不同的是,庶长自出现至昭襄王初年,均为官称,且与晋国“公族大夫”类似,多为宗室之人担任。孝公前,庶长一度把握秦国大权,操纵国内君位继承。孝公时,秦王开始任用异姓削弱庶长权力。惠文王四年秦国设相,文武分职,庶长逐渐沦为单纯的军事统领。昭襄王初年,庶长被“将”代替,从秦职官序列中消失。庶长地位的迁移,体现秦官制及君权演变的趋势。
关键词:庶长 官称宗室 大良造 庶长 文武分职
Title: A Textual Study of theShuzhangof the Qin
Author: Liu Ruifang, Ph.D. Candidate, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China
Abstract:In the pre-Qin period,Shuzhang(庶长)was a unique official title used by the State of Qin. Since its early years of appearance, officials who held this title were mainly clansmen of the king of the Qin. Till the period of Xiaogong(孝公),Shuzhangoften controlled the power of the state, and even dominated the succession affairs of the throne. Xiaogong started to appoint people outside of the royal clansmen to this position in the aim of weakening the power ofShuzhang. By the time of the fourth year of King Huiwen’s(惠文王)reign, the position of Prime Minister came to being, which caused the separation of the duties of civil affairs and military affairs. ThenShuzhanggradually became the military commander of the state and replaced by the posts of generals.
Key words: Shuzhang Position Title State Qin