
作者:章 林 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:陵户是日本律令制国家中,为天皇及其皇族守卫陵墓的一个十分特殊的群体。陵 户这一名称来自唐朝中国,在公元681年制定《净御原令》时,日本已经开始使用“陵户”这一名称。根据《养老律令》的规定,陵户在律令制下属于“贱民”阶层,是当时的“五色贱”身份之一,但在《大宝律令》中,陵户仍然属于“良民”阶层。在“五色贱”中,同其他贱民相比,陵户有着更为复杂和特殊的地位。对陵户的探讨,有助于加深对日本律令制国家等级制度与贱民阶层的认识。

关键词:日本律令制国家 陵户 贱民 身份

Title:A Brief Analysis of the Status of the Misasakibe in Ritsuryo Japan

Author:Zhang Lin,MA. Student, Department of History, Captial Normal University, Beijing, 100048, China

Abstract: The misasakibe was a special community assigned to guard the tombs of Mikado and the royal clan in the period of Ritsuryo Japan. The term of misasakibe originally appeared in the Tang Dynasty of China, which was introduced to Japan in AD. 681. According to the rule of the Royal Order of the original net, the misasakibe was one of the five groups of “senmin” (贱民, cheap people), although it was regarded as “ryoumin” (良民, fine people) in the Taiho code. Compared with other groups of “senmin”,the status of the misasakibe were more complex and particular. The study of this group would benefit the understanding of the social and state structure of the ritsuryo Japan.

Key words:the Ritsuryo Japan Misasakibe Senmin Social Status

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