作者:黄海烈</font> 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:顾颉刚“疑古”的志业源于1920年至1923年间他与胡适、钱玄同有关辨伪的讨论。在这长达3年的讨论切磋中,顾颉刚完成了由辨伪到疑古的转向,走上了自己独特的新史学之路。这不仅基于胡适等人的因势利导,还特别得益于顾颉刚本人对中国传统学术资源的独特理解和巧妙运用。他运用“疑古”的眼光全面审视宋儒、清儒的疑古辨伪成果,找寻到崔述和康有为两大思想库,并在批判继承的基础上,创造性地将二者疑古的成绩与手段融为一体,推陈出新,最终成就其疑古学说中具有代表性的观点与方法,即“层累说”。
关键词:顾颉刚 胡适 辨伪 学 疑古学 “层累说”
Title: From Distinguishing Textual Forgery to Doubting Antiquity: Gu Jiegang(Ku Chieh-kang)’s Pursuit of A New History
Author: Huang Hailie, Lecturer, Institute of Ancient Documents and Books, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, 130012, China
Abstract:Gu Jiegang(顾颉刚)’s thinking of doubting antiquity was derived from his discussion with Hu Shi(胡适)and Qian Xuantong(钱玄同)on distinguishing textual forgery in ancient Chinese books. During a three-year communication, Gu Jiegang established his idea of doubting antiquity, which eventually led to his own concepts of “New History”. Such a development, in addition to Hu Shi’s inspiration, also thanks to Gu Jiegang’s own peculiar understanding and practice of the traditional Chinese scholarship. By a close examination of the achievement of Song and Qing scholars, Gu Jiegang critically inherited the skeptical thoughts of Cui Shu(崔述)andKang Youwei(康有为), and finally established his own theory of “textual stratification”.
Key words: Gu Jiegang Hu Shi School of Doubting Antiquity theory of textual stratification