
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:明代士大夫群体多次“伏阙”抗争,君臣冲突的激烈情状在中国帝制政治史上甚为凸显,彰显出该时代士大夫政治的活跃态势。通过对明代群臣“伏阙”抗争现象的研究可以看到,帝制框架内君臣双方存在不同的政治诉求,明代群臣“伏阙”抗争之最值得关注的内涵在于士大夫群体之民本思想与绝对君权观念的冲突。帝制政治不等于皇权专制,大量存在的君臣冲突史事说明,中国古代政治文化远非“专制”一词可以概括。在君臣冲突的过程中,明代士大夫群体展现出担当天下事的责任感,以及对政治合理性的诉求,中国政治文化这种内在的理性要素值得深入研究。

关键词:明代 士大夫 君臣冲突 伏阙 政治文化

Title: A Political Cultural Analysis of the Ming Dynasty Officials’ Collective Action of “Petitioning the Palace”

Author:Li Jia, Ph.D. Candidate, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China

Abstract: In Chinese political history, the intense and repeated actions of “petitioning the palace” (伏阙) of the Ming officials are particularly prominent. Research into this phenomenon shows that within the framework of the imperial system, there existed different political appeals between the monarch and the ministers. The contradiction between the officials’ belief of “the people as the foundation of state” and the concept of absolute ruling power of the emperors was significant. Numerous historical instances demonstrate that traditional Chinese politics and culture cannot be simply generalized as “despotic”. During these conflicts, the Ming Dynasty scholar-officials collectively displayed a sense of responsibility toward public society and a sort of political consciousness.

Key words: Ming Dynasty scholar-officials petitioning the palace politics and culture

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