
作者:王连龙</font></span> 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:《济阴王元郁墓志》,近出山西大同古平城遗址附近。墓志详细记载了北魏济阴王元郁的宦绩功业及其妻慕容氏的家族世系,对北魏政治制度与北朝墓志文体研究具有重要价值。笔者征之以传世文献,对墓志文进行了深入的考证。

关键词:元郁墓志 史实 文字书法

Title: A Textual Analysis of the Newly Unearthed Northern Wei “Yuan Yu Epitaph”

Author:Wang Lianlong, Associate Professor, Institute of Ancient Documents and Books, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, 130012, China

Abstract:The epitaph of Yuan Yu(元郁), who was granted a title as King Jiyin (济阴王) by the Northern Wei Dynasty, was newly unearthed in Datong City of Shanxi province. This epitaph contains detailed information about the political career of Yuan Yu and his wife Lady Murong’s family background, which is valuable for the study of the political systems and epitaph styles of the Northern Dynasties. This paper provides a close textual analysis of Yuan Yu epitaph with cross references to the other regular documents.

Key words: Yuan Yu Epitaph historical facts style and calligraphy

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