
作者:倪世光</font> 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:骑士制度是西欧中世纪社会的重要内容,它对中世纪社会的经济、政治、军事、生活方式、思想文化等都产生了深刻影响。由于它的存在,西欧中世纪社会具有许多与之相关的特征。

关键词:骑士制度 骑士 社会影响 中世纪

Title:On the Social Impacts of the Western European Chivalry

Author: Ni Shiguang, Professor, Faculty of History and Culture, Hebei Normal University, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, 050091, China

Abstract:As an important institution of the Medieval Western Europe, chivalry affected the social economy, politics, military affairs, life style, and culture profoundly. The existence of such an institution is a key to look into the social characters of the Medieval Western European nations.

Key words: Chivalry knights social impacts the Middle Ages

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