
作者:后晓荣</font> 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:传世文献记载秦代历史地理的资料很少,有关其地方设置的郡县情况更是不清。但近几十年大量考古出土的秦文物涉及到秦代的历史地理,这就为研究秦郡县问题提供了传世文献所不能见的重要史料。本文就是利用秦文物和战国秦汉城市考古等有关资料,结合文献,首次考证秦代在燕地五郡的设县情况,以补史书之缺佚。

关键词:秦代 燕地五郡 置县 考证

Title: A Textual Study of the Establishment of Counties in the Region of Yan(燕) during the Qin Dynasty

Author:Hou Xiaorong, Department of History, Capital Normal University, Beijing, 100037, China

Abstract:Few original data about the historical geography of the Qin Dynasty is available, especially those about the establishment of theJun(郡, prefectures) andXian(县,counties). During the past decades, many unearthed relics dated to the Qin period have revealed some information about the historical geography of the Qin Dynasty, which provide precious newer information for the research of the prefecture and county system of the Qin Dynasty. Based upon the unearthed relics, the archeological data, as well as the original written materials, this article carries out a textual study of the setting up of the prefectures and counties in the Yan area during the Qin Dynasty. Such a study should be able to contribute to the information rebuilding concerning this subject.

Key words:Qin Dynasty Yan area district and county textual study

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