
作者:[日]中村一基 李广志译</font> 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:舍利崇拜与遗骨崇拜密切相关,它们影响到纳骨习俗。本文以“佛舍利”为中心,在历史的演变过程中考证了印度、中国及日本“佛舍利”崇拜的演变传播过程,进而阐明了日本“遗骨崇拜”及“佛舍利”信仰的关系,并阐释其背后的思想根源。

关键词:圣遗物信仰 佛舍利 遗骨 日本 佛塔

Title:The Worship of Buddhist Relics in Japan

Author: Kazumoto Nakamura,Professor, Faculty of Education, Iwate University, Iwate, Japan, 020-8550

Translator: Li Guangzhi, Instructor, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Ningbo University, Ningbo, Zhejiang, 315211, China

Abstract:The worship of Buddhist Relics closely related to the worship of human remains. They both influenced the custom of burying the remains. This article first of all studies the evolution of Buddhist relics worship in India, China, and Japan. Then, the connection of Japanes worship of remains with the worship of relics is discussed. Furthermore, it analyses the ideological factors behind this custom.

Key words:Worship of Buddhist relics remains Japan pagoda

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