作者:许浩然</font> 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:本文对弄玉、紫玉传说所蕴含历史价值的相似处作出分析,认为它们的历史“远景”是上古公女丧葬中的人殉制度。同时,本文亦辨析了在两则传说文本定型的过程中,后代所融入的文化元素:神鬼观念和墓葬风俗。
关键词:弄玉 紫玉 人殉 神鬼观念 墓葬风俗
Title: An Interpretation of the Legendary Nongyu(弄玉) and Ziyu(紫玉)
Author: Xu Haoran, M.A. Student, School of literature, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, Zhejing, 210097, China
Abstract:This article analyses the similarity of the story of Nongyu and Ziyu. It is argued that these stories symbolically indicate the reality of human sacrifice in ancient China. Further, this article points out that in the later period of time, some newer cultural elements have penetrated into the original contexts of these stories and brought about certain changes to the written texts.
Key words:Nongyu Ziyu human sacrifice idea of ghosts and spirits funeral