
作者:<strong> </strong>谢进东</font> 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:顾颉刚在“古史辨”中以进化史观作为怀疑古史的理论基础,以科学理性的认知观作为疑、信古史的基本准则,以由进化观念演变而来的历史演进法作为考察古史的思维工具,并以假设与求证的方法作为考辨古史的主要方法,这在历史认知与解释层面上鲜明地体现出现代性特征,并使得顾颉刚的史学观念、思维方法在学术理念与治学方法上大大超越了以清代汉学家及疑古学者、晚清今文家为代表的中国传统疑古辨伪之学,将中国的古史研究推进到一个新的高度。同时,顾颉刚在运用其具有现代性的史学观念、方法时,因应其进化论的预设而过度使用“默证法”,在历史演进法的使用上囿于“一元单向”演进模式的窠臼,在假设与求证中未能严格遵循实事求是的原则。这些都影响到“古史辨”理论与方法在古史研究中的有效性。

关键词:现代性 古史辨 顾颉刚

Title: Modernity and the Appeal ofGushi bian

Author: Xie Jindong, Doctoral Candidate, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.

Abstract: In his critical studies of ancient Chinese history, which has been commonly calledgushi bian(古史辨,critiques of ancient history), Gu Jiegang(顾颉刚) took historical evolutionism as his theoretical basis, applied scientific rationism as his principle of judgment, employed the pattern of evolution which was originated from the historical evolutionism as his analysis instrument, and utilized assumption and evidencing as the main methods of research. This methodology clearly demonstrated the characteristics of academic modernity and indicated the transcendence of Gu Jiegang’s scholarship in comparison to the skeptical scholars of the Qing Dynasty. Because of this, Gu Jiegang should be considered as one of the major modern historians who have contributed to the development of modern scholarship of Chinese history. Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning that there were some problems in Gu Jiegang’s application of his methodology. Firstly, he overused the method of “absent proof”; secondly, Gu Jiegang was confined to historical unilateralism which led to his fail of keeping evidential consistence. These weakened the effectiveness of Gu Jiegang’s methodology.

Key words: Modernity Gushi bian Gu Jiegang

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